
A Story enjoyed by Kids and Adults

Rated 5 out of 5
March 24, 2022

Wow , Steve Herman you nailed it……..

Your book flows so well , rhymes and paces just right. The illustrations are top notch too. My wife is a Montessori teacher for ages 3,4, & 5 year olds and she was so thrilled with your story, Train Your Angry Dragon. More like this please Steve. Parents this is a book any child will like.

G. Hayes

Great family story!

Rated 5 out of 5
March 24, 2022

My 4 and 2 year olds LOVE this book and we put on our “mad” faces with poor Diggory Doo. My 4 yo struggles with BIG emotions and a speech delay that adds to his frustration when trying to express himself. This book helps channel those feelings so that he feels understood, which in turn helps him release some of those big feelings he can’t always adequately express verbally. Great reference point as he is learning and growing in his communication and emotional management/understanding…love this story and it’s positive impact on my fam!


Helped My Toddler

Rated 5 out of 5
March 24, 2022

Bought this for my tantrum throwing almost 3 year old. He LOVES this book & wants to read it multiple times. The situations are relatable: Having to remain calm and patient while waiting your turn, being told no, Not being able to go somewhere you want (outside), meeting a bully, or having to share. While reading the story I enjoyed asking my son if he’s ever had to do these things and if he reacted the same way as Diggory the dragon (or had someone act like Diggory towards him). I often repeat “you can’t hurt things just because you’re angry” and Diggory burning & my toddler hitting definitely relate. The other characters have great emotions on their faces in reaction to the dragons behavior too. My toddler might not be able to calm himself by thinking happy thoughts or counting to 10 but when he was upset about leaving the store and I mentioned controlling his anger his response was “Like the dragon?”. This has happened in numerous situations. So thank you.

Lilly E.
Rated 5 out of 5
5 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)
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